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Radio Dunav

Radio Dunav
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Radio Dunav

Radio for the Serbian national minority in the city of Vukovar. On May 18, 1998, RADIO DUNAV started broadcasting a program under that new name within the company “DIFUZIJA” d.o.o. and a 1 kilowatt transmitter on the new, city frequency 101.5 FM. The founders of RADIO DANUBE are employees (75%) and the Joint Municipal Council (25%). The team of 8 full-time employees initially created 12 hours of their own program, and over the years, with the modernization of the broadcasting and editing studio, they broadcast 24 hours today, mostly of their own program. The great popularity and audience in the City of Vukovar and surrounding places RADIO DUNAV can be attributed to the good choice of music (70% folk music, 20% domestic pop-rock and 10% foreign music), timely and objective reporting on political, social, cultural, sports and other events in the region as well as very capable presenters who are listeners as “another member of the household”. Although the language we speak is the language of the Serbian national minority, research and contact shows prove that RADIO DUNAV is listened to by the majority people and other national minorities in the area covered by its signal.
Land: Croatia
Genre(s): Folk / /
AAC: 192 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 44100
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Radio Dunav
Radio Dunav
Radio Dunav
Radio for the Serbian national minority in the city of Vukovar. On May 18, 1998, RADIO DUNAV started broadcasting a program under that new name within the company “DIFUZIJA” d.o.o. and a 1 kilowatt transmitter on the new, city frequency 101.5 FM. The founders of RADIO DANUBE are employees (75%) and the Joint Municipal Council (25%). The team of 8 full-time employees initially created 12 hours of their own program, and over the years, with the modernization of the broadcasting and editing studio, they broadcast 24 hours today, mostly of their own program. The great popularity and audience in the City of Vukovar and surrounding places RADIO DUNAV can be attributed to the good choice of music (70% folk music, 20% domestic pop-rock and 10% foreign music), timely and objective reporting on political, social, cultural, sports and other events in the region as well as very capable presenters who are listeners as “another member of the household”. Although the language we speak is the language of the Serbian national minority, research and contact shows prove that RADIO DUNAV is listened to by the majority people and other national minorities in the area covered by its signal.
Land: Croatia
Genre(s): Folk / /
AAC: 192 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 44100
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AAC: 128 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 192000
AAC: 192 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 44100
AAC: 128 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 44100
AAC: 320 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 48000
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AAC: 128 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 192000
AAC: 192 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 44100
AAC: 128 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 44100
AAC: 320 Kb/s
FLAC(Hz): 48000
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